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Question 1

What type of appliance are you having trouble with?


Ice Maker





Garbage Disposal

Trash Compactor

Washing Machine



To continue, answer the question above
Question 2

What is the main issue you're experiencing? (Select the closest match)

Not turning on or starting

Not performing its main function (e.g., cooling, heating, cleaning,spinning)

Making unusual noises

Displaying an error message

Leaking water or other fluids

Emitting strange smells

Not closing/door problems

Other issue

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Question 3

How old is the appliance?

Less than 1 year

1 to 5 years

5 to 12 years

More than 12 years

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Question 4

Have you noticed any specific conditions that accompany the problem?

Occurs at startup or during initial use

Happens at the end of its cycle or operation

Present throughout operation

Only under heavy use/load


To continue, answer the question above
Question 5

Have you attempted any troubleshooting or repairs already?



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Question 6

Upload a Photo of the serial and model number sticker.


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We work with both average and premium brands

We work with both average and premium brands

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We work with both average and premium brands

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5 minutes
to resolve
your appliance

MO-SA from 8:45 to 18:00

929 502 25 25
Fill in the form and we will call you
  • we understand your case
  • we tell you about possible issues in detail
  • we make an individual decision
  • we tell you about all the guarantees that you receive working with us
  • we discuss a deadline and a price

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Anna Ivanova


Appliance repair at home: major problems and solutions

Household appliances are an integral part of our life. Every day we use refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and other appliances. But what if it breaks? In this article, we will look at the main problems that you may encounter and give advice on how to solve them. The refrigerator is one of the most important elements of household appliances. If it has stopped working, then this can lead to serious problems. Here are some of the most common causes of refrigerator malfunction:
The compressor does not work: this may be caused by damage or malfunction of the electrical circuit. In this case, it is better to contact a professional service center.
The fan does not work: this may cause the refrigerator to overheat. In this case, you can try to clean the fan yourself or contact professionals.
The thermostat does not work: this may cause the products to overheat or freeze. In this case, it is better to turn to a professional

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